Finally find that damn file!
mementō, IonSpin’s first product, is a file browser that lets you find and take control over your local and remote files. For that little feeling of delight, easily move or copy files between your cloud storages and local storage (incl. Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and more to come). mementō securely transfers your files directly between your devices and remote providers (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox). They are never uploaded to our servers to ensure full privacy for you.
Download the app on your smartphone, tablet or desktop here:
mementō’s key features
  • Access your files across your clouds in one single interface.
  • Search the forest of files on both local and remote storages.
  • Organise all your files and storages by moving, copying, renaming and more to come.
  • Link your mementō account information across multiple devices.
  • Secure data transfer - you can count on us making sure that your files never touch our servers.
  • We collect the minimum amount of data needed to run mementō.
We’re continuously working on bringing new features and value to mementō, with a true desire to provide you with the best product experience. Ask us for details.
Access your cloud storage
You can effortlessly access and search for files stored on various cloud providers. Currently supported are: Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, including your local storage, of course.
Switch between multiple devices
Your account can be linked with multiple devices, allowing you to easily manage your files from anywhere you are. We are supporting iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Secure data transfer
Your files are only transferred through your devices, and never go through our servers. We make sure that every byte was transferred correctly, by comparing source and destination hashes.
Transparency and privacy
Your email is the only info we have about you and we don't share it with anybody else. You can actually see our live website analytics here the same way we see them.
How does that work, you ask?
To maintain confidentiality and safety of your data, files and folders are transferred exclusively through your devices. That means that if you are copying a file from e.g. Google Drive to OneDrive, your device will download that file from Google Drive and then upload it to OneDrive. Once the successful upload has been confirmed, the downloaded file will be deleted.
Simply put, you can count on us making sure that your files never touch our servers.
And in more detail…
mementō application requires access to your remote storage such as Google Drive or OneDrive. Once that access is granted, a token is sent from the remote provider to the device. The information that you have added a remote account is then encrypted and sent to servers so that your other devices can ask you to sync remote storage. Data on the servers cannot be accessed without the encryption key that lives on your devices. When you are adding a new device, a secure channel is established using QR codes and the keys are exchanged between the devices. New device can then download the information about remote storage services you use from the mementō server and decrypt them. Once that is done, you are asked to allow the new device to access the data on the remote service. Our encryption is based on the well known libsodium library.
How we make sure that your data is intact during the transfer
We calculate a hash while data is being transferred and then compare that hashes of destination and target sides. If the hashes are matching we know the transfer was successful.
Security Certification
Memento is verified to have satisfied App Defense Alliance Cloud Application Security Assessment (CASA) Tier 2 requirements. This verification is valid for period from 10/17/2023 to 10/17/2024.
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